Welcome to Clearwater Academy International Athletics

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Week 3 came to a close as the last of the Houseboat adventurers arrived back. The Houseboat trip was a huge success. The kids had a blast. The escape to a beautiful Florida National Park lined with tress, wildlife and the cool spring water was a treat for everyone.

The rules were simple, have fun. Non-stop water play for everyone. The kids did flips from the top of the houseboat, kayaked down the river to Lake St. George and snorkeled in the crystal clear blue Silver Spring. They saw fish, turtles, turkey vultures and raccoons. All of this with a bunch of their best friends. Simply put, these trips are what Summer is all about!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Passport to Adventure continues...
Second week in June and the students of Clearwater Academy are in action
from the moment they step into the school yard. From knitting class to screen writing class the afternoon electives have offered an incredible variety of new experiences for our adventurers.

This week the middle school and high school boys are on the houseboat trip and the girls are next to leave for their houseboat excursion tomorrow.

Horseback riding is on the calendar for Thursday and Friday for grades 2nd through 5th. They will get to ride the trails of Tampa Bay and get a good look at some of the most pristine natural habitat around. In addition, they will be treated to a wonderful petting zoo and have some fun with farm animals.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Passport to Summer Adventure is in full action at the school. The first week we took Preschool through 3rd grade to the Dunedin Nature Center where they had a close encounter with bugs. The kids looked at them through microscopes and caught them with nets. The kids absolutely loved it!

Classes 4th through 12th went on an artistic adventure, which took them to the Dunedin Fine Arts Center where they were instructed by one of the finest local clay instructors. The students created and painted their own wonderful clay sculpture. The masterpieces will be delivered this week.

Casey, one of the CAI staff, is wearing the cruise director hat and is weekly taking a full bus load of students to Adventure Island. This sold-out field trip is the hit of the summer! What could be better than going with a whole bunch of your best friends to a giant water park?

This week the CAI signature Houseboat trips launched. Erik Joot, Activities Director has a camping trip like no other planned for all of his adventurers! Boating, fishing, kayaking, water-trampolining, swimming and exploring are all on the schedule.